Delete UCR via Export Voyage
If you would like to remove a UCR associated with a specific visit, for example when a declaration has been cancelled, then follow this section.
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If you would like to remove a UCR associated with a specific visit, for example when a declaration has been cancelled, then follow this section.
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A UCR may be deleted prior to arrival by the shipping line or ship’s agent. To delete an arrived UCR, it must first be unarrived, refer to section UNARRIVE A UCR for more instructions.
From the Global Navigation Bar select Manage and under Shipment select Maritime Export.
The Export Lite Voyage Search page is returned. To search for the relevant visit, enter the vessel name or IMO number in the search box and click .
When you start typing in the search box, it will show a drop down list of matching results which you can select from.
Once you have located the relevant Voyage/Visit, click anywhere on the voyage row to open the Manage Export Lite Voyage page.
Within the Manage Export Lite Voyage page, the first section shows the voyage/visit details.
Under the section Export Lite UCR Details, there is a list of UCRs that have already been linked to this visit/voyage.
Option 2 - To delete multiple UCRs, click to tick the boxes on the left of the list for all UCRs that you wish to delete. Once you have ticked at least one UCR, select DELETE UCR(S) which will appear on the right side of the page.
For both options, a warning will be returned to confirm that you are sure you want to delete the selected UCR, select YES to proceed or NO to go back.
Once deleted, you will see a notification at the top of the page confirming the UCR has been successfully deleted.
Refer to section SEARCH UCR VIA EXPORT VOYAGE to find the voyage associated with the deleted UCR.
The Manage Export Lite Voyage page is returned.
The Manage Export Lite Voyage page is returned. Within the Export Lite Deleted UCR List section, there is a list of all deleted UCRs previously associated with this visit.
Under the list columns it will provide information about:
Loader Reference #
Booking Reference #
Hold Status
UCR Status - Cancelled
Process Status
To view more details, click anywhere on the UCR line
The search results can be sorted by any column header, by hovering over the chosen header and clicking on which appears to the right of the column header.
by clicking and entering the additional search criteria in the fields that appear under the main search box.
The applied filters will show under the search box and can be removed at any time by clicking on or alternatively you can remove all filters by clicking
If there are no search results, there may be too many filters or a typo in the search criteria, remove all applied filters by clicking . Alternatively, the visit has not yet been registered.
The search results can also be sorted by any column header, by hovering over the chosen header and clicking on which appears to the right of the column header
Option 1 - Once you have found the relevant UCR in the search results, click on the right of the UCR line and select DELETE UCR from the drop down menu.
From the Left Hand navigation, select Deleted Items